Surah At Tin

Surah At-Tin, which means “The Fig” in English, is a short chapter of the Quran, only 8 verses long. It’s found in the 30th and its 95th surah, final part of the Quran, called the Juz Amma..

This Surah is called “Makki” because it was revealed during Prophet Muhammad’s (ﷺ) time in Makkah, before he migrated to Madinah.

Surah At-Tin uses oaths to talk about two important things.

  1. Allah’s Perfect Creation of Humanity: The Surah starts with oaths by things like the fig and the olive, then says that Allah created humans in the best form (meaning humans have the potential for great things).
  2. The Two Paths People Take: The Surah reminds us that even though we’re created perfectly, we can choose different paths. We can either choose to be good and righteous, or to be sinful and disobedient. The Surah warns that those who disobey will fall to the lowest of the low.

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There are many benefits to reciting Surah At-Tin, some of which include.

  • Strengthens faith in Allah: By reflecting on Allah’s perfect creation and our own potential for good, our faith can grow stronger.
  • Reminds us of blessings: The Surah mentions things like the fig and the olive, reminding us of Allah’s many blessings in the world.
  • Encourages good choices: Knowing that we were created perfectly and can choose good paths can motivate us to make those choices.
  • Warns against wrongdoings: The Surah reminds us of the consequences of going down the wrong path.

Here are some additional points to remember about Surah At-Tin.

  • It’s a short Surah, so it’s easy to memorize and recite regularly.
  • The message is clear and important, reminding us of our potential for good and the importance of making the right choices.
  • Reciting Surah At-Tin can be a source of comfort and guidance in our daily lives.

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